Hello, my friends, and welcome to this week's edition of Wise Apple Weekly! Despite the fact that today is officially the first day of Fall, this week has been unseasonably warm (in the high 80s every day!), so I've been spending a ton of time outside, soaking up the last bits of summery sunshine. Never fear, though - I still managed to find some time to snap photos of the wee, humble things making my little world extra bright this week!

First off, our patio tomato plants are still pumping out the cutest, most delicious tomatoes! I know it probably puts me in a whole new bracket of 'crazy plant lady', but I've been snapping photos of them left and right - they're just so darn photogenic!

Speak of being a crazy plant lady, I've been sipping drinks from my new favorite thrifted glass - it has house plants on it! I mean, seriously. It doesn't get much better than that. A snake plant on one side, and a swiss cheese plant on the other. Mmmm, plant water.
Our goldfish plant (Nematanthus gregarius) has its first blossoms of the season! Though it can bloom all year, we usually see the most 'goldfish' during the Fall. The orange blooms feel especially festive this time of year!
I hope I'm not jinxing myself here, but I'm proud to report that I've managed to keep these two air plants alive for almost a full year. I had pretty bad luck prior to these two, so I'm especially happy they're doing so well! Perhaps it's time to give their magnetic pots a little makeover? I think they could use some more color...

Amiina the cat has been helping me swap my summer clothes out of my closet this week and has taken to hanging out in crates. I love it because it makes the OCD part of me feel like even my cat is tidied away in an appropriate bin!
I've started a new hashtag over on Instagram this week, and I'd love for you all to play along! Tag your Monday morning coffee with #mugshot☕monday - it'll be like having coffee with each and every one of you!

Popped by the new
Fry Baby Donuts here in Buffalo - all of their yummy donuts are vegan! I wish I had snapped a picture of my sprinkle-tastic treat, but I gobbled it up before it even occurred to me. I guess I'll just have to go back soon!

And last but not least, I shot a bunch of 'before' photos of our living room. Before what, you ask? Well, I guess you'll just have to tune in again next week to find out!
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