Being stuck at home these last few months (years? how long has it been again?) had us looking at our walls a whole lot more often than normal, which lead us to finally take the plunge and hang some artwork.
We'd been envisioning a gallery wall next to our couch for ages, but never felt like we had quite the right frames and/or artwork (plus, I have an irrational fear of putting holes in our ancient plaster walls). I've been trying to remind myself that 'done is better than perfect' more often these days, so we decided to just go for it and adjust as we go along. I mean, who am I kidding? Even when we set out to do something 100% perfectly the first time, it rarely stays the same for long!
So you can just consider this our first attempt at a gallery wall. Oh -- and we also put up a framed vintage piece I've meant to hang for ages over on the other wise of the sofa. I'm definitely loving the look of some artwork a whole lot more than I liked the whole 'minimalist' thing we had going on previously!
Don't you feel like it looks a whole lot cozier now? Of course we're already daydreaming about the next project (we already have a much-needed new sofa on the way -- more about that when it arrives next month!), and we've already talked about changing up some of the artwork -- but it feels good to take a big step closer to just right in this room. It's true -- done really IS better than perfect!